Bardas, strategos of Armeniakon
Los 2981
Bardas, imperial protospatharios and strategos of Armeniakon, 2nd half 8th century-1st half 9th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 10.08 g, 12 h). Cruciform monogram ΘЄOTOKЄ BOHΘЄI; in quadrants, TⲰ - CⲰ / Δ૪-ΛⲰ ("Mother of God, help your servant"). Rev. +BA[P]/ΔA B'A'[CΠ]/AΘ' S CT.../IΓⲰ TⲰ[N A]/PMЄ in five lines. Unpublished in the standard references. Good very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The owner of this seal may be identified with a person named Bardas, strategos of Armeniakon, mentioned by Theophanes (AM 6273). He was one of the leaders of a conspiracy in 780 against the new emperor Constantine VI and his mother Irene. The conspirators wanted to put the emperor’s uncle Nicephorus, the son of Constantine V, on the throne. They were eventually arrested, tonsured and exiled.
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